Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Detroit City Council honoured Assata Shakur


Detroit City Council Testimonial Resolution Honoring Assata Shakur's 60th Birthday

WHEREAS, it is with great pleasure and privilege that we, the members of the Detroit City Council, recognize and bestow due honor upon ASSATA SHAKUR, a mother, grandmother, and activist, as she reaches a highly momentous milestone in her life, her 60th birthday; and

WHEREAS, Born Joanne Deborah Byron Chesimard, she later became known as ASSATA SHAKUR, meaning “she who struggles” and “the thankful one” respectively; and

WHEREAS, Joining in various political and civil rights struggles during the 1960’s, ASSATA SHAKUR was an active participant in the Student Rights Movement, the Black Liberation Movement, and the movement to end the Vietnam War. She would also go on to become a member of the Black Panther Party; and

WHEREAS, As a member of one of the nations most targeted organizations, ASSATA SHAKUR was tried and acquitted of several alleged crimes. The most publicized of the cluster would lead to her imprisonment and later liberation from a New Jersey prison; and

WHEREAS, Despite the continuous attempts to defame her name and insult her character, ASSATA SHAKUR has remained a prevailing icon among activists. A renowned advocate for liberty, her story of debatable justice is now embossed in the history of our country. NOW THEREFORE BE IT

RESOLVED, That ASSATA SHAKUR, be awarded this Testimonial Resolution from the Detroit City Council, Office of Council Member Kwame Kenyatta, in recognition of her lifelong commitment to her people and her 60th birthday.

April 20th, 2007


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