Sunday, January 14, 2007

wisdom of His Imperial Majesty

" In matters of foreign policy we have been ever guided by three basic principles. First is our deep conviction that, where there is no lack of goodwill, all international disputes can be resolved through negotiations, without recourse to violence. An inevitable corollary of this belief is our firm conviction that all nations, whatever their political persuasions, can live together in peace.
Second is our unswerving devotion to the principle of collective security.
Third, flowing from the principle of collective security, is the necessity, in these anxious days when the major powers are engaged in a frantic arms race, for all countries which have accepted this principle and assumed a share of the responsibility for ensuring the peace of the world, to become ever stronger militarily.
As we have stated time and time again, we are firmly persuaded that the path to guaranteeing the peace of the world lies in supporting the principle of collective security ard the United Nations Charter, combined with a progressive reduction of the armaments which are being built up throughout the world. The billions of dollars which are now wasted on this fruitless effort could with great benefit, be diverted into the constructive channels of aid for the economic growth of under-developed countries..."


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