Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Educate, agitate, but do not violate!"-Clement Payne

BARBADOS celebrates Independence

1200's - WA' AMONI aka ICHIROUAGANA settled by Taino & Gallabi

1625: First settlement by British1600 - 1880

1834: Chattel Slavery abolished

1954: Barbados promoted as vacation destination

1954: Grantley Adams becomes the first Premier

1966: Independence from Great Britain

1999-Barbados Gov't sets up Africa Commission

2000- Afrikan Reparations & Racism Conference hosted on the island

Today Barbados "little England" celebrates Independence from Britian.

chattel house on "wheels"

Among the many let us celebrate the unnamed dwellers of the chattel houses, which were the
highly valued by plantation "workers" aka SLAVES who didn't own the land on which their houses sat.

Barbados has an interesting colonial history. When the demand for sugar grew so did the demand for labor, and it became the custom to "transport" political dissidents, felons, and other undesirables as an alternative to hanging. Oliver Cromwell "barbadoed" hundreds, and these were later joined by the remnants of the Army of the Duke of Monmouth, sent there after the Battle of Sedgemoor by Judge Jeffreys in 1686. Few survived in the climate, and although some of their descendants can still be seen in Barbados, where they are called "Redlegs". Another source of labor was sought, and it was found in Africa.
Among the many historical figures of Barbados, not enough is known of the Liberator
CLEMENT PAYNE (1904-1941)
"He launched a campaign to educate and stimulate the masses, delivering powerful, fiery speeches to audiences who responded with great enthusiasm. The Constabulary Police in Bridgetown saw Payne as a possible threat and from that very first meeting in the City he was under police observation "each moment of the day and night".
He was deported from the island in 1937 by the powers that be, and shortly after his departure, his caution to his followers: "Educate, agitate but do not violate" was ignored with violent protests engulfing the island.
Pour libation for the ancestors who have strove so that island's population survives today...


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