heru returns
the eye has returned
- HOTEPH to thee, Atum.
- TA-ANKH to thee, Khepri, who created himself.
- You are high, in this name of "ankhkara."
- You comest into being, in this name of "Khepri."
- Hoteph you, eye of Heru, which he adorned with his two hands completely.
- He does not make you hearken to the West;
- He does not make you hearken to the East;
- He does not make you hearken to the South;
- He does not make you hearken to the North;
- He does not make you hearken to those who are in the middle of the land;
- (but) you harkenest to Heru.
- It is he who adorned you; it is he who built you; it is he who settledyou;
- You do for him everything which he says unto you, in every place wherever he goes.