Saturday, November 26, 2005

Lara Lara Cricket Roy

National Flag of the Republic of Trinidada & Tobago

Trinidad born Brian Lara - hailed as King of World Cricket

Son of Port of Spain environs: the sleepy village of Santa Cruz> Brian Lara achieved another first as he played in the West Indies’ first innings of the third Test against Australia yesterday.
He was recognised formally on gaining a double century plus of runs as the highest scorer of Test Runs in the history of the game.

This is a second victory for TRINIDAD & TOBAGO whose Football team "SOCA WARRIORS" qualified for World Football Cup Finals due to be held in Germany.
This news comes at a time as T'dad & T'bago is facing the untoward challenges as a young Republic characterised by rising crime, political insecurity and social inequality.
Needless to say the entire West Indian Team deserve commendation for their speedy recovery from poor results in recent Tests.
While the culturally diverse population of Trinidad & Tobago may be comforted by the fact that their sport icons are shining to inspire the youth forward.
Pour Libations for the Ancestors
In particular the indigenous INERI who are scarcely celebrated in those islands.

lara! lara "
wave yuh bat

djebuti -deity of time

"...So, O man, be sure the effects that ye bring forth are ever causes of more perfect effects. Know ye the future is never in fixation but follows man's free will as it moves through the movements of time-space toward the goal where a new time begins. Man can only read the future through the causes that bring the effects. Seek ye within the causation and surely ye shall find the effects. "

Thursday, November 24, 2005

nature in her splendour

we give thanks
for the creatures
that inhabit
alongside us
the mother earth

Today marks the first step towards closure on a terrible, tragic legacy

A first step towards closure

Chief Phil Fontaine, Leader of Indigenous First Nation Peoples has described the historic decision by the Canadian Government to offer compensation in the following words:
" Today marks the first step towards
closure on a terrible, tragic legacy "
Thousands of former pupils at over a hundred plus government funded residential schools have made allegations of physical and sexual abuse spanning seven decades.
The Canadian Government to pay at least CD$2bn as compensation to Indigenous victims in exchange for the dropping of charges against the Church and state.
study of indigenous peoples on 1800's postcard
According to press reports a fast track payments will commence immediately from which over 80,00 indigenous citizens will benefit. Many of those eligible are over the age of sixty and many victims have already passed on. Never theless it is a great step forward towards resettlement /inclusion of indigenous peoples into mainstream society and reconciliation. Canada deserves to be commended on this brave and just decision.
Justice Minister Irwin Cotler described the abuse which took place as "the single most disgraceful, racist and harmful act in our history". While Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, said he hoped the package would bring a "just and lasting solution" for the victims.
May the ancestors be pleased
pour libations to all cardinal points
wave the feather in all directions
ya' ayaa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Reincarnation hailed in nepal

Buddha with wheel of life

15 Year old Ram Bahadur Banjan is being hailed in Katmandu, Nepal as possibly a reincarnation of BUDDHA. His sacred place of meditation located in dense jungles has been visited by hundreds of thousands of devotees.

According to recent news reports:

The fervour increased last week when a snake is said to have bitten Ram, and a curtain was drawn around him. After five days it was opened and the boy said: "Tell the people not to call me a Buddha. I don't have the Buddha's energy. I am at the level of rinpoche (lesser divinity). A snake bit me but I do not need treatment. I need six years of deep meditation."

The popularity of the boy is partly because the scene resembled an episode in the life of Buddha, who was born 160 miles away around 543 BC. The Buddha achieved enlightenment when he meditated beneath a sacred pipal tree for 49 days, and the boy is also sitting beneath a pipal tree, in the same posture as the Buddha is depicted.

Ram's mother Maya Devi said: "He's definitely got thinner. Early in the morning he looks sunken, like there's no blood in him, but as the sun rises he seems to get brighter and brighter."

May the ancients be pleased
We pour libations for this oracle...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

T&T celebrates qualification for World Cup Soccer

National Flag of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
T&T scoring the deciding goal against Bahrain

News circulates around the planet, as the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago have qualified to play in the finals of the Football World Cup.

Congratulations to the team members and coach.
Best Wishes to the citizens of T&T who have clearly demonstrated with jubilation their loyalities. For despite the depressing rise in Violent Crime have held out to celebrate this win ...
May the T&T team be as successful in Germany fostering further civic pride amongst a people who truly are deserving.

Give thanks to the efforts of our ancestors..
sculptured deity of INERI peoples
including the indigenous "INERI" who played their own game traditionally body painted in the sacred red, black and white...

ole ole ole!!!
we go be in germany
so put down the gun
forget mayhem and crime
as even
dem politrickians
unite on crime and equal opportunity...
